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Philosophy of Biology Ph.D. Programs

334 bytes added, 17:48, 19 November 2014
/* Ph.D. Programs */
* John Beatty // [ official site], [ personal site], [ CV]
* Margaret Schabas // [ official site], [ personal site], [ CV]
* Chris Stephens // [ official site], [ personal site], []
=== [ University of Calgary] ===
* Megan Delehanty // [ official site]
* Marc Ereshefsky // [ official site], [ personal site] [ CV]* C Kenneth Waters// [ CV]
=== [ University of California, Davis] ===
* Koffi N. Maglo // [ official site]
* Thomas W. Polger // [ official site], [ personal site], [ CV]* Angela Potochnik // [ official site], [ personal site], [ CV]
* Robert C. Richardson // [ official site]
* Robert A. Skipper, Jr. // [ official site], [ personal site]
=== [ University of Exeter (Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology)] ===
* John Dupre // [ official site]* Paul Griffiths // , [ official sitestaffdocuments/duprecv.pdf CV]
* Sabina Leonelli // [ official site]
* Steffan Muller-Willie // [ official site]