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Philosophy of Biology Ph.D. Programs

21 bytes added, 23:58, 24 November 2014
This wiki provides an unranked list of Ph.D. (and terminal M.A.) programs that have strengths in philosophy of biology. Links are provided to the websites, CVs, and PhilPapers profiles of the relevant faculty at each program. Additionally, when known, the specialties and willingness of faculty members to work with new graduate students are noted. The primary intended audience is prospective or current graduate students with interests in philosophy of biology who want to get the lay of the land by seeing who works where, and on what.
# Philosophers who have made contributions to the philosophy of biology but who do not list phil bio as an AOS/AOC are usually not listed. For the most part, this wiki simply reflects the self-reports of online faculty listings, which is a way to avoid having to make judgment calls about who counts as a philosopher of biology in borderline cases. The rule of thumb is: someone counts if they say they count. That said, erring on the side of being inclusive is generally a good policy since prospective students can peruse bios, CVs, and publication lists to help determine whether they think a borderline faculty member would be potentially helpful to their phil bio research interests.<ref>Also, as long as a department has one full-time, self-described philosopher of biology, the graduate program is listed, which makes the determination of whether other faculty count as philosophers of biology less crucial.</ref>
# Bioethics, environmental ethics, philosophy of neuroscience/cognitive science, philosophy of medicine, and history of biology&mdash;in and of themselves&mdash;are not counted as philosophy of biology, though philosophers of biology with those interests are listed.
== Ph.D. Programs (Australasia) ==