University of Cincinnati
[More Information on University of Cincinnati Program]
- Tony Chemero // website, PhilPapers
- Specialties: neuroscience, ecological psychology, artificial life, dynamical systems and complex systems, cognitive science
- Willing to work with new students? Yes
- Valerie Hardcastle // website, PhilPapers
- Specialties: neurobiology, neuropsychiatry and the law, embodied cognition
- Willing to work with new students? Yes
- Koffi N. Maglo // website, PhilPapers
- Specialties: philosophy of biomedicine, genomics and race, raced based medicine, bioethics
- Willing to work with new students? Yes
- Thomas W. Polger // website 1, 2, CV, PhilPapers
- Specialties: consciousness as a property of biological entities, role of evolutionary theory in thinking about minds, multiple realization, explanation
- Willing to work with new students? Yes
- Angela Potochnik // website 1, 2, CV, PhilPapers
- Specialties: methodology of population biology, behavioral ecology, explanation, idealization, socially engaged philosophy of science, logical empiricism
- Robert C. Richardson // website, PhilPapers
- Specialties: evolutionary theory, developmental biology, cognitive science, theory change
- Willing to work with new students? Yes
- Robert A. Skipper, Jr. // website 1, 2, PhilPapers
- Specialties: history of evolutionary genetics, evolutionary genetics, obesity science, controversies, explanation, socially engaged philosophy of science
- Willing to work with new students? Yes