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/* Ph.D. Programs (United States) */
** Specialties: Philosophy of biology and the philosophy of mind; pragmatism (especially John Dewey), general philosophy of science, and some parts of metaphysics and epistemology (via website)
* <strong>Massimo Pigliucci</strong>, Ph.D. University of Connecticut (Biology), Ph.D. University of Tennessee (Philosophy ) // website [ 1], [ 2], [ PhilPapers]
** Specialties: Philosophy of biology, in particular the structure and foundations of evolutionary theory, the relationship between science and philosophy, and the nature of pseudoscience (via website)
:[[Columbia University| | Additional Program Information]] <nowiki>[</nowiki>no<nowiki>]</nowiki>
* <strong> Philip Kitcher</strong>, Ph.D. Princeton University<ref>Though he does not list philosophy of biology as a current AOS, Kitcher writes on his faculty profile page&mdash;accessed 2014-11-18&mdash;that he is willing to work with philosophy of biology graduate students.</ref> // website [ 1], [ 2], [ CV], [ PhilPapers]** Specialties:Conceptual and methodological issues in biology; questions about the relations of biological research to society and politics; role of scientific inquiry in democratic societies; pragmatism (especially William James and John Dewey) (via website)
=== Duke University ===
* <strong>Robert N. Brandon</strong> , Ph.D. Harvard University // [ website], [ CV], [ PhilPapers]** Specialties:Philosophy of biology, philosophy of science, logic (via website) * <strong>Alexander Rosenberg</strong> , Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University // website [ 1], [ 2], [ CV], [ PhilPapers]** Specialties:problems in metaphysics, mainly surrounding causality, the philosophy of social sciences, especially economics, and most of all, the philosophy of biology, in particular the relationship between molecular, functional and evolutionary biology (via website) * <strong>Karen Neander</strong> , Ph.D. La Trobe University // website [ 1website], [ PhilPapers]** Specialties: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Biology, Cognitive Science (via website) * <strong>Dan McShea</strong> , Ph.D. University of Chicago // website [ 1], [ 2], [ PhilPapers]** Specialties:Paleobiology, with a focus on large-scale trends in the history of life, especially documenting and investigating the causes of the (putative) trend in the complexity of organisms; operationalizing concepts, such as complexity and hierarchy, as well as clarifying conceptual issues related to trends at larger scales (via website)
=== Florida State University ===