United States Ph.D. Programs

From Philosophy of Biology Graduate Programs
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All programs reside in philosophy departments, unless otherwise specified. Wiki Program Pages contain identical information to front-page listings, also unless otherwise specified.

Arizona State University (Center for Biology and Society)[edit]

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Boston University[edit]

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Carnegie Mellon University[edit]

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City University of New York Graduate Center[edit]

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Columbia University[edit]

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Duke University[edit]

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Florida State University[edit]

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Indiana University (History and Philosophy of Science)[edit]

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Michigan State University[edit]

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Stanford University[edit]

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Texas A&M University[edit]

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University of California, Davis[edit]

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  • James R. Griesemer // website 1, 2, 3, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: Evolutionary biology, genetics, developmental biology, ecology and systematics
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Roberta L. Millstein // website 1, 2, 3, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: History and philosophy of evolutionary biology and ecology, causation, chance, environmental ethics
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes

University of California, Irvine (Logic and Philosophy of Science)[edit]

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University of California, San Diego[edit]

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University of California, Santa Cruz[edit]

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  • Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther // website 1, 2, PhilPapers
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes

University of Chicago (Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science)[edit]

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University of Cincinnati[edit]

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  • Tony Chemero // website, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: neuroscience, ecological psychology, artificial life, dynamical systems and complex systems, cognitive science
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Valerie Hardcastle // website, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: neurobiology, neuropsychiatry and the law, embodied cognition
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Koffi N. Maglo // website, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: philosophy of biomedicine, genomics and race, race-based medicine, bioethics
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Thomas W. Polger // website 1, 2, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: multiple realization and realization; explanation in life, brain, and cognitive sciences; role of evolutionary theory in thinking about minds and consciousness; neuroscience and cognitive sciences
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Angela Potochnik // website 1, 2, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: methodology of population biology, behavioral ecology, explanation, idealization, socially engaged philosophy of science, logical empiricism
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Robert C. Richardson // website, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: evolutionary theory, developmental biology, cognitive science, theory change
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Robert A. Skipper, Jr. // website 1, 2, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: history of evolutionary genetics, evolutionary genetics, obesity science, controversies, explanation, socially engaged philosophy of science
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes

University of Kansas[edit]

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University of Maryland, College Park[edit]

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University of Minnesota, Twin Cities[2][edit]

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  • Alan C. Love // website 1, 2, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: History and philosophy of evolutionary developmental biology, evolutionary theory, developmental biology, functional morphology, conceptual change, explanatory pluralism, reductionism, the nature of historical science, interdisciplinary epistemology, and the structure of scientific problems
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • William C. Wimsatt (part-time appointment, Fall semesters) // website, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: history and philosophy of biology, cultural evolution, evolutionary developmental biology, complex systems
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes

University of Missouri[edit]

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University of Notre Dame[edit]

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University of Pennsylvania[edit]

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  • Cristina Bicchieri // website, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: evolutionary game theory, evolution of social norms
  • Gary Hatfield // website, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: history of philosophy of biology, perception, neuroscience and psychology
  • Quayshawn Spencer (starts Spring 2015; currently at USF) // website 1, 2, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: population genetics, phylogenetics, biology and race
  • Michael Weisberg // website 1, 2, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: tradeoffs and Idealization in modeling, agent-based models in evolution and ecology, origin of life, biology and race

University of Pittsburgh (History and Philosophy of Science)[edit]

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University of Texas at Austin[edit]

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University of Utah[edit]

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University of Wisconsin-Madison[edit]

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  • Daniel Hausman // website, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: Rational choice theory, game theory, the concept of measurement and health
  • Elliott Sober // website, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: Philosophy of evolutionary biology, confirmation, explanation, reductionism, modeling, probability and statistics, parsimony
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Russ Shafer-Landau // website, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: Evolutionary debunking arguments targeting morality
  • Lawrence Shapiro // website, CV, PhilPapers
  • Michael Titelbaum // website, CV, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: Bayesian epistemology

Washington University in St. Louis[edit]

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  • Carl F. Craver // website 1, 2, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: Philosophy of neuroscience, theories of explanation, philosophy of psychology, cognitive neuropsychology
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  • Dennis DesChene // website, CV, PhilPapers
  • Ron Mallon // website, PhilPapers
  • Anya Plutynski // website, PhilPapers
    • Specialties: History and philosophy of biology, general philosophy of science, cancer biology, early 20th Century genetics, evolutionary theory, explanation, modeling.
    • Willing to work with new students? Yes
  1. Though he does not list philosophy of biology as a current AOS, Kitcher writes on his faculty profile page—accessed 2014-11-18—that he is willing to work with philosophy of biology graduate students.
  2. Some of the Resident Fellows at the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science also have philosophy of biology interests.